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SVMHA Manages the St Vital Arena
Arena Ice Rental are NOW ON LINE
Registration is closed
Registration will continue to be accepted for all age groups, if there is room within the age and level of play.
Team Placement will be at the discretion of SVMHA. Each request will be dealt with independently.
If you wish to register for SVMHA Hockey please email stvitalea@gmail.com
Master Schedule up to Dec 22
Link to Respect In Sport
Jersey and Apparel
Online stores are Closed
If you need to order Jerseys for your Player(S) the online store is open.
- confirm which number you can use.
- If you do not have a number assigned to you, please email me at stvitalea@gmail.com for Co Ed Hockey or Bryn Saunders for Chill vpchillhockey@gmail.com (provide your player's Year of birth and name. a number will be assigned to you).
- Have ordered in past ---- Confirm your number by checking the attached registry Year of Birth tabs are at the bottom of the spreadsheet https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fcz6vo7aoxu08c/Jersey%20Numbers%20Active%20-20St.%20Vital%20Master%20Number%20list%20of%20Registrants%20ACTIVE%20COPY.xlsx?st=mj2efbow&dl=0
- Click on the STORE for you below and order
to size a jersey attend to home run sports in Island lakes. Take your shoulder and elbow pads with you. They are now prepared for sizing
Call or email with any questions.
Scott Wiley stvitalea@gmail.com 204-805-4368