Last year's Parent ZOOM Meeting

Click HERE........to view recording of meeting

Hockey Parents,

My name is Ben Mitchell and I am the U9 convenor for the 2024/25 season. I am looking forward to a great season and am excited to get going. The first couple of months will be very similar to last year if your child participated in U7 or U9, however we have condensed the Skills program to occur over three weekends instead of the six in the past.

We will be hosting a parents town hall meeting on Zoom on Wednesday August 23rd at 7:00pm. We will email out a Zoom link once we get closer to this date. We will walk through the season schedule, U9 Program as a whole.

The first ice time currently is scheduled for Saturday, September7th at Glenwood. Approximately 1 week prior to this, I will be creating our IP Groupings and you will be invited to TeamSnap with your child's schedule for the first 1-2 months of the program.

For the IP skates, please ensure you child has all required equipment to be able to participate:

  • Helmet and Face Mask (with CSA label)
  • Mouth Guard
  • Throat protector
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Hockey Pants
  • Shin Pads
  • Gloves
  • Skates
  • Jock/Jill Protector
  • Stick
  • Hockey Bag
  • Water Bottle(with your name on it)
  • Practice Jersey
  • Hockey Socks

If you are interested in coaching, we will need lots of parent volunteers to assist on these initial ice times, followed by coaches to help with our 8-10 teams we expect to have this year.

Please feel free to reach out to myself directly via email at svmhaU9hockey@gmail.com to let me know you would like to help with the IP skates and if you would like to be an assistant or head coach so that can ensure you are added onto TeamSnap as well.

If you do have any questions or concerns at this time, please feel free to reach out to me via email. Alternatively, I would be happy to answer any questions at the townhall meeting also.


Is a free program taking place on August 24th.  You can find more information and a sign up tab under the summer camp tab

Thanks you



U9 House Convener


Coming Soon

Novice Half-Ice Program Information

Novice Half-Ice Program Information

Attention: Minor Hockey Associations & Community Clubs

Beginning in the 2017 – 2018 season, players in the Novice age category (7-8 yrs) will play on a modified ice surface –slightly over half the size of a normal hockey rink – until December 31st each season.  Games after December 31st within each hockey season may be played on full-ice.

Hockey Manitoba is pleased to distribute information pertaining to the new Novice Half-Ice program beginning in the 2017-2018 season.

We have developed specific guidelines to assist our Minor Hockey Associations, Community Clubs and our tremendous volunteers in the preparation, implementation and execution of half-ice hockey in the Novice age category.  This will ensure a consistent, organized delivery model across the province, and addresses many of the questions or concerns that our membership may have expressed.

Hockey Manitoba's expectation is that all Minor Hockey Associations follow the layout, format and procedures as outlined in the document.  Click below to access the document:


To ensure both Minor Hockey Associations and our officials are prepared for the new half-ice game structure, Hockey Manitoba has created an officiating procedures document.  This information will be reviewed in detail at all Hockey Manitoba Level 1 officiating clinics each season.


In addition, we have created a web page specific to the Novice Half-Ice program, complete with additional outlines, videos and information related to this progressive and positive change.  We encourage you to visit this page, and share the link below with your parents and members.


Hockey Manitoba sincerely appreciates the efforts of our thousands of volunteers across the province who dedicate their valuable time to our great game. We understand that change can sometimes be difficult, however we are confident that these modifications will benefit all Novice players as they grow and develop.

Thank you for your support!

Novice Half-Ice Program Information